CRS Marseille

affirming an institution & enhancing comfort in the use of the space 

project characteristics

Our architectural, technical, and environmental response is the result of multidimensional and cross-criteria considerations. This comprehensive design approach allowed us to address all the challenges at both the urban planning and building scales. Initially, this process led us to recognize the value of the “existing” by planning the complete rehabilitation of buildings A, B, C, F, and the preservation of the remarkable trees on the site.


programrehabilitation & construction for the consolidation of the 54th & 55th republican security companies & the south zonal directorate of republican security companies
clientministry of the international/SGAMI south (General Secretariat for the administration of the ministry of the interior)
addressCRS 55 • 178 avenue de la Croix Rouge • 13 013 Marseille
building typework
expertisesarchitectureinterior architecturelandscape design
size8.500 m²
team• client: ministry of the international/SGAMI south (General
Secretariat for the administration of the ministry of the interior)
• lead architect: assar architects
• associate architect: MAP Architecture
• technical engineering: Artelia

Our approach is primarily a contextualized one, ensuring that the construction solutions, their materials, and implementation are tailored to each typology, the entire program, and the requirements dictated naturally by the site.

Our goals also aim to minimize the impact of building construction on the environment, reduce energy needs with particular attention to responses addressing summer comfort. In this same vein, the implementation of solar energy production is intended to cover a portion of energy needs through selfconsumption and contribute to decarbonization.