MPR SSR · Le Havre

MPR SSR-Le Havre a "healing environment" project

project characteristics

Beyond the strategic, functional, or technical challenges that led to the relocation project of the MPR and Geriatric SSR services to the Monod site, the Havre Hospital Group has defined several essential objectives to guide the project’s design:

• establish a welcoming & friendly living environment designed to promote healing (Healing Environment) & rebuild self-confidence

• create a care facility that extends & seamlessly integrates into its outdoor spaces

• create a Rehabilitation & Care Center (MPR – SSR) providing all the necessary services & spaces for cutting-edge patient care—an healthcare facility offering both the healthcare staff & patients functionality, clear flow patterns & overall optimal organization


programrelocation of MPR & geriatric SSR services to the MONOD site
clientGroupe Hospitalier du Havre
addressGroupe Hospitalier du Havre • 29 avenue Pierre Mendès France • 76290 Montivilliers
building typecare • heal • live
expertisesarchitectureinterior architecturelandscape design
size10.690 m²
team• client: Groupe Hospitalier du Havre
• architect: assar architects
• technical engineering: TPF ingénierie

In addition to these three challenges, there are constraints related to the project’s location—such as roadways, helipad, pipelines, etc.

The proposal transcends the site constraints to address the objectives in an innovative and coherent manner while also maintaining the desire to create a flexible and adaptable building. The building takes the form of a double ring, a design chosen to direct the views from all rooms toward the landscape and to consolidate the distribution spaces and common areas at the intersections of the rings. This simple form in plan allows for closed circulation and ensures the proximity of services as well as surveillance. In this particularly green plot, the relationship with the landscape makes complete sense, both through the perspectives offered from the interior spaces and the numerous connections to dedicated outdoor landscaped areas for the use of the MPR.


• metal cladding
• terracotta
• concrete pavers
• grooved composite wood